Welcome to the ultimate opportunity for dedicated dancers ready to commit, grow, and perform at their best! At Base181 Studios, being part of a
Rep Team means more than just dancing—it’s about joining a group of like-minded, driven individuals who share your passion for excellence.

Our 2025 Rep Teams are designed to push boundaries, build skills, and give students the time, resources, and support to refine their craft. From mastering the fundamentals of Jazz Funk, Hip-Hop, and Breaking to adding the dynamic edge of Acrobatics (Tricks & Flips), we focus on creating versatile and technically skilled dancers who thrive both individually and as part of a team. 🤩

We're here to guide, support, and inspire as your child navigates the LEVEL UP into our Rep teams. Base is more than just a space; it's a place where passion meets potential, and where every twirl, jump, and spin is a step towards self-discovery.

We can't wait to witness the incredible journey your child will take in our Rep Team! Let’s make 2025 your breakthrough year.


We've made it super easy for you to get all the info you need about our 2025 Rep Teams.

Simply click the button below that corresponds with your dancer's school year in 2025. There you'll find all the details you need to know including what's required to join, class days and times plus how you can sign up.

Still need more info? Click the blue button below and take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions!


What are the Base 181 Rep Teams?

Our Rep Teams Program isn't just another club; it's a powerhouse of dreams and ambitions! As the name suggests our Rep Teams will represent Base 181 Studios with super fun performance opportunities at community events and comps throughout the year. Dancers in our Rep Teams will be part of an extraordinary squad, have access to top-notch training and coaching and sky-rocket their self confidence.

What level of commitment is needed?

Being part of any team requires an extra level of commitment so dancers on our Base 181 Rep Teams will need to attend extra rehearsals when required. Just like a sports team, we need all team members to be dedicated so they don't let their team mates down. For more information about classes, click the link above that corresponds with your dancer's 2025 school year.

Do I need to do extra classes?

Yes, depending on your dancer's age group, there will be different requirements for classes they need to attend. For more details, click the link above that corresponds with your dancer's 2025 school year.

How much are the fees?

For information about pricing, please click the link above that corresponds with your dancer's 2025 school year.

How do I sign up?

On VIP Day, either come into the studio or use the parent portal to select Rep Team classes.


If you're ready to take advantage of this super exciting opportunity and join our 2025 REPRESENTATIVE TEAM we can't wait to start this journey with you!

To sign up for a year full of growth, friendship and a whole lot of fun all you need to do is click the link below to join us. If you have more questions, that's cool too - just drop us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.